Minimalist Beauty

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Yucca Root - Another Natural Hair Cleanser

This post contains affiliate links from my favorite brand Mountain Rose Herbs. I love their high quality organic/fair trade products, and am blown away by their commitment to zero waste. 

I received my order from Mountain Rose Herbs this week that included the herb yucca root.  I've been in a bit of a rut with my hair care the past few weeks and finally got it all under control again.  I’m still playing around with different herbal combinations with other herbs and clays, yet figured that sharing this herb for all of you DIY hair care makers would be helpful and fun.

I was seeking something else for my natural hair care and adding yucca root was my answer.

"Yucca is a succulent that grows throughout the southern United States. Native American tribes used the leaves of the yucca for treating numerous conditions, including psoriasis, dandruff, hair loss, skin sores and inflammation, including joint inflammation due to rheumatism and arthritis. Tribes of the Southwest use the yucca's leaves to make soaps, shampoos and other hygiene related items, including dental floss. In northern New Mexico, healers use a tea brewed from yucca leaves to treat asthma and headaches. Current research suggests that the saponins in yucca are a precursor to cortisone, which prevents the release of toxins from the intestines that restrict the growth of cartilage, making yucca useful in treating arthritis and other soft tissue inflammatory diseases." ~Mountain Rose Herbs

I purchased dried yucca root powder, yet I've seen videos share how to make yucca root shampoo with the actual fresh plant root.  You can also buy yucca root in some grocery stores in the produce section.  Having yucca root in powder form makes it very easy to use.

I mix one tablespoon of yucca root powder in two cups of water and blend in my food processor.  Because yucca root is very high in saponins it creates a very foamy smooth liquid that will gently cleanse the hair.  It’s easiest to use in a bottle with a concentrated applicator.  (This is a water based recipe so plan to use whatever you make within a week and refrigerate.)

I truly wanted to get back to a 100% all natural hair care regimen that didn’t include any other conditioner ingredients, but my hair wasn't having it!

Using my homemade conditioner to detangle and as a leave-in again was the solution to my dry hair.   Adding clays and herbs like yucca root and others that are in my DIY Herbal Hair Rinse back into my regimen has been wonderful.  I cleansed and styled my hair with only conditioner for ten months and found that the moisture levels of my hair were finally where they should have always been.  I have to say that I actually like using herbs and clays as shampoo along with using a leave-in conditioner.  It’s become the perfect balance for my hair and scalp as well as stretches out my homemade conditioner.  You can find yucca root powder here at Mountain Rose Herbs.

What herbs have you added to your beauty regimen?

Image by Dawn Michelle